
A business ledger article with an image of a woman.

Daily Herald Suburban Business: SBA 504 Program – Certainty for small businesses when interest rates are rising

Are you a business owner in Illinois? Check out the May issue of the Daily...
A person stepping on some type of ground

CBAI Feature: Federal Government Focuses on SBA 504 for Economic Recovery

  The latest issue of Banknotes by the Community Bankers Association of Illinois includes a piece...
Three people holding up signs in front of a comcast newsmakers sign.

SomerCor on Comcast Newsmakers: Proven Impact of SBA 504 Loans

SomerCor President & CEO, Manny Flores, joined Comcast Newsmakers to discuss the proven impact of...
A newspaper ad with a picture of a man.

Daily Herald Business Ledger: Small businesses needing capital should consider the SBA 504 Refinance Program

Are you a business owner in Illinois? Check out the June issue of the Daily...
A blue and white logo with an image of a microphone.

WCPT 820AM Interview with SomerCor CEO on SBA Resources

Last week, SomerCor CEO, Manny Flores, spoke with Joan Esposito on 820AM about SBA resources...
A newspaper with the business ledger logo on it.

Daily Herald Business Ledger: Ready to grow your business? Consider the SBA 504 loan

Are you a business owner in the Chicago suburbs? Check out the December issue of...
A man and woman sitting at a table in front of a tv.

SomerCor Interview on Comcast Newsmakers: Catalysts for the American Dream

SomerCor President & CEO, Manny Flores, joined Comcast Newsmakers to discuss things you should know...
A man and woman sitting at a table with microphones.

SomerCor Featured on BACP Smart Business Chicago Podcast

This week, SomerCor President, Manny Flores, was featured on the "Smart Business Chicago" podcast. Hosted by...
A man and woman sitting at a table.

SomerCor CEO, Manny Flores, featured on SCORE-TV

Check out this recent episode of SCORE-TV on Chicago Access Network Television (CAN TV), featuring...
