A microphone and some stickers on the side of a wall.

WIND 560AM Interview with SomerCor on COVID-19 Response

SomerCor Managing Director of Communications, Kim Brisky, was on “Get Down to Business with Shalom Klein” on 560 AM. The conversation focused on SomerCor’s role in the COVID-19 response and SBA resources for small businesses. Check out the SomerCor blog for more resources.

You can hear the full audio of the interview below:

Link to full show.

Contact Us

A woman with glasses is smiling for the camera.

Margaret Griffin

EVP, Chief Lending Officer
(312) 360-3320

A man in a suit and tie standing outside.

Eric Bacon

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Darin Gehrke

SVP Market Lead for Central and Southern Illinois
(217) 793-1075

A woman with blonde hair wearing a black jacket.

Elisabeth Williams