A man holding his hand out in an office.

SomerCor Partners with Commercial Real Estate Professionals on SBA 504

SomerCor helps small business owners buy, expand or refinance owner-occupied, commercial real estate through the SBA 504 loan program. As a certified development company, we partner with traditional lenders to help small business owners access the 504 loan program.

Credit tightens during any economic downturn, making it harder for commercial real estate clients to buy or sell their property. The SBA 504 Loan and Refi are proven financing options that provide needed capital in a tough economic environment.

Give commercial real estate clients options with the SBA 504 program:

  • Lower down payment – up to 90% financing for established businesses
  • Below-market interest rates – lower and more affordable monthly mortgage payments
  • Long term rates 20 or 25 year fixed – no surprise balloon payments
  • Frees up working capital – more money to reinvest in the business
  • Owning commercial property – enhance both personal and business wealth
  • Borrowers with loans approved by September 30, 2021, will receive three months of payment subsidies and waived program fees (subject to availability of COVID-19 relief funds provided by Congress)

SomerCor has proudly partnered with small businesses and real estate professionals throughout Illinois for more than 25 years. Download the program flyer and contact our team today to help your clients access the SBA 504 loan program.

Contact Us

A woman with glasses is smiling for the camera.

Margaret Griffin

EVP, Chief Lending Officer
(312) 360-3320
[email protected]

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Darin Gehrke

SVP, Market Lead for Central and Southern Illinois
(217) 793-1075
[email protected]

A woman with blonde hair wearing a black jacket.

Elisabeth Williams