Daily Herald: Think Big about the SBA 504 Loan
When most people envision small businesses, they typically imagine mom-and-pop shops. But did you know the SBA 504 loan extends financing to startups through mid-size companies? It’s time to think big about the SBA 504 loan program and its wider economic impact.
As the premier economic development initiative of the U.S. Small Business Administration, this public-private partnership provides a long-term fixed rate lending solution for business owners to buy, expand, or refinance major fixed assets – such as land, commercial real estate, and heavy equipment. For lending partners and businesses interested in an SBA 504 loan, check out this story via the Daily Herald by SomerCor EVP and Chief Lending Officer, Margaret A. Griffin, to learn more.
You can read the full article in the Daily Herald here. Also, be sure to download the program flyer and connect with a member of SomerCor’s loan origination team to learn more about how the SBA 504 loan program helps small businesses access capital.