Daily Herald Suburban Business: SBA 504 Program – Certainty for small businesses when interest rates are rising
Are you a business owner in Illinois? Check out the May issue of the Daily Herald Suburban Business for guidance from SomerCor’s Chief Lending Officer, Margaret Griffin. Learn about why the SBA 504 loan and refi programs are trusted financing tools for small businesses during times of higher inflation an increasing interest rates.
During this period of higher inflation and an increasing interest rate environment, the SBA 504 program — a public-private lending solution for small business owners to buy, expand or refinance major fixed assets — is a proven financing tool for small businesses. For companies looking to maintain the momentum gained in the early post-pandemic recovery period, the 504 can help improve cash flow, maximize revenue generation, conserve capital, and manage inventory.
You can read the full article in the Daily Herald Suburban Business. Also, be sure to download the program flyer and connect with a member of SomerCor’s loan origination team to learn more about how the SBA 504 loan program supports improved cash flow for small businesses.