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Daily Herald: SomerCor CEO Celebrates Big Milestones

November 2023 marked five years at the helm for SomerCor President & CEO, Manny Flores. The Daily Herald published a Q&A with him to learn about the organization’s big milestones and the plans ahead to help more entrepreneurs access capital to grow their small businesses.

In 2022, SomerCor celebrated 30 years of service. We have deployed more than $1.74 billion in SBA loans to 3,827 businesses, leading to the creation of 46,884 jobs in 1,777 communities. We celebrated our birthday by relocating our headquarters to the historic Rookery Building located in Chicago’s financial district.

Despite small businesses facing unprecedented challenges, SomerCor is a proven steadfast lending partner. In the last three years we originated more than $100MM dollars in loans each year, a first in company history, helping many entrepreneurs overcome an adverse business environment.

You can read the full article in the Daily Herald. Also, be sure to download the program flyer and connect with a member of SomerCor’s loan origination team to learn more about how the SBA 504 loan program helps small businesses access capital.

Contact Us

A woman with glasses is smiling for the camera.

Margaret Griffin

EVP, Chief Lending Officer
(312) 360-3320
[email protected]

A man in suit and tie smiling for the camera.

Darin Gehrke

SVP, Market Lead for Central and Southern Illinois
(217) 793-1075
[email protected]

A woman with blonde hair wearing a black jacket.

Elisabeth Williams